Benefits of B-Complex IV Drip

Written by Dr. Jhon E Vargas | Medically reviewed by Editorial Team
Last updated on: December 28, 2018

Most people are not able to consume the required daily amount of B-complex vitamins through a balanced diet. However, elderly and people with anemia, athletes, vegetarians, vegans, or people who consume too much alcohol may be deficient in these vitamins and may need vitamin drip Dubai with B-complex concentration available at HealthCall.

The IV therapy in the shape of a tailored vitamin infusion is well known and used by many of the population in Dubai from HealthCall, however there is also the B-complex or vitamin B12 supplement in particular.

The medical experts explain about what the B-complex vitamin drip Dubai is for and how to use it safely. Check out:


The B vitamins are essential for our body because they participate in various metabolic processes, act on skin health, immune system and nervous system functions, muscle tone and prevention of anemia.

However, because they are soluble in water and not in fats, these vitamins cannot be stored by the body. Therefore, you need to consume sources of vitamin B every day to keep yourself healthy.

B-Complex vitamin drip

It is an intravenous solution used for intramuscular intravenous infusion composed of B-complex vitamins.

It is also possible to infuse other vitamins and minerals into your IV drip to achieve special health benefits and it is always recommended to consult with medical experts at HealthCall.

What is it for?

Deficiency in B vitamins can result in symptoms such as lack of energy, muscle weakness, weakness in the legs, depression, problems with cognitive functions such as memory and mental confusion. To better understand, we list below the main functions of the vitamins contained in the B complex.

Examples include:

  • Pre- and postoperative treatment;
  • Very high fever;
  • Severe burns;
  • Pregnancy
  • Gastrointestinal disorders that affect the intake or absorption of vitamins
  • Alcoholism
  • Celiac disease
  • Cancer
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Genetic disorders

Having listed the functions of the B vitamins before, it is clear the importance of this complex for the health of the neurological system, improving mood, cognitive functions and even relieving depressive symptoms, as well as participates in glucose metabolism to generate energy for our cells

B-complex vitamin drip Dubai is indicated in cases where the person is not able to ingest the daily recommendations of these vitamins. This is the case of individuals with temporary health conditions, illnesses or severe deficiencies that require the intravenous administration of vitamins

In addition, those who follow a vegan or vegetarian diet may have greater difficulty in ingesting the required amounts of B-complex vitamins, especially vitamin B12, which is found in foods of animal origin. In these cases, vitamin drip Dubai is also indicated.

Pregnant or breastfeeding women should also be aware of vitamin B-complex levels because the deficiency of these nutrients can cause neurological damage or birth defects in the fetus or baby.

Elderly people may also find it more difficult to absorb B vitamins due to reduced acid production in the stomach, which is essential for the digestion and absorption of these vitamins, and may need the vitamin therapy at HealthCall.

When using B-complex drip, these people may benefit from:

  • Reduction of stress
  • Improvement of mood
  • Reduction of fatigue
  • Disposition and energy
  • Improvement of cognitive functions
  • Prevention and treatment of mental illnesses such as anxiety and depression

The blend of vitamin C and B-complex is interesting in cases of deep anemia, where vitamin C has a role of strengthening the immune system and assisting in the absorption of iron. In addition, vitamin C brings several benefits to skin health and disease prevention.

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