What are Freckles?
Freckles are harmless clusters of hyperpigmented skin lesions also known as Ephelides. Freckles appear as small brown flat spots scattered mostly across the face, back shoulders and chest area. Unlike other skin lesions, freckles are benign and have a low probability to cause skin cancer.
What is the cause of freckles?
Freckles are formed due to the hyperactivity of the melanocytes leading to excessive production of melanin. Sun exposure is the main triggering factor in the appearance of freckles and usually linked to genetics as well. This condition is common among Caucasians but freckles can also appear in other races with fair skin.
What are the treatment options available for freckles?
There are various professional freckle treatments that can be done to reduce freckles. Most laser and light therapies such as Broadband Light, PICO Lasers or Fractional Lasers are proven to dramatically reduce the appearance of freckles. Chemical peel and Dermapen are also known to help in freckles, however, it may require multiple sessions to deliver significant change.
Home remedy to remove freckles
Most home remedies lack scientific support, however none of these may cause serious harm when used responsibly or with guidance of experts. The use of natural acids from Lemon, Yogurt and Milk can be used as a mild chemical peel which can possibly lighten the pigmentation. Homemade face scrubs such as honey with sugar grains or salt can also help to reduce superficial pigmentation due to the micro-trauma from the scrubbing which will assist the skin to resurface. There are many other home freckles treatments that can be incorporated in the daily skin routine such the use of retinol, vitamin C and sunscreen.
Freckles are harmless skin lesions that can be effectively reduced with the use of laser and light treatment, chemical peels and dermapen. These pigments are harmless unlike other skin lesions that may cause skin cancer. Home remedies can also be useful if applied responsibly. However, freckling is linked to genetics and triggered by sun exposure. It is best recommended to religiously apply sun protection and avoid prolonged sun exposure and activities.
FAQs: Freckles
What leads to a rise in freckles?
There are genes that are linked to skin freckling. However, heavy sun exposure triggers the melanocytes to overproduce melanin that may cause freckles to rise.
What can I do to prevent further freckles?
Freckles are harmless skin lesions that can be treated and prevented. As preventive measures, sunscreen protection is essential in limiting the spread of freckles. Other measures to protect the skin from sun exposure can also help such as wearing a hat and long sleeve clothing.
Which fruit helps to minimise freckles on face?
Part of the home remedies is the use of natural acids such as the citric acid extracted from citrus fruits such as lemon, lime and calamansi.
Are freckles removable by a dermatologist?
If freckles are linked to genetics, it cannot be completely removed but it can be significantly reduced. There are already laser and light based treatments that can reduce the appearance of freckles. Todays’ latest trend is BBL (Broadband Light) Therapy which precisely targets the skin pigments and triggers the body to produce a new layer of healthy skin. PICO laser technology is also a treatment of choice for client’s with pigmentation.
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