Boosting Your Thyroid Health: Unveiling the Essential Nutrients for Optimum Function

Written by Dr. Jhon E Vargas | Medically reviewed by Editorial Team
Last updated on: June 12, 2023

Unveiling the Essential Nutrients for Optimum Thyroid Function

Located in the neck, below the windpipe the thyroid is the gland that produces the hormones T3 (triiodothyronine) and T4 (thyroxine), which regulate a number of important activities in our body. Thyroid hormones have essential functions in the growth and development of the body, cell multiplication, heart rate, calorie burning and thermogenesis, which is the regulation of internal temperature. They also act on the reproductive system, which makes their good performance fundamental in women's health at different stages of life

In summary thyroid is important for weight loss, menstruation, fertility, intestines and heart. When your thyroid lacks nutrients it will not work well. Your thyroid is responsible for converting T4 to T3 in order for it to function correctly and there are vitamins and minerals that are important for this conversion to happen so your body can work well. 

These nutrients are:

-Vitamin D






The lack of these nutrients interferes a lot with how your metabolism works and your day-to-day energy. Many women with hypothyroidism who take T4 orally spend their lives increasing the dosage of medication and still feel like they are lacking the hormone, they are still extremely tired, indisposed, with a lazy intestine, with depressive symptoms.. Even if you have the hormones but you do not have nutrients to convert them into the active form they will remain there but inactive causing your body to not work well. 

How to treat hypothyroidism 

- It is also very important to have a balanced diet filled with nutrients as well as supplement when needed (IV may be suitable)

- Balance your routine sleep well, drink tea and relax

- Take care of your intestine and liver: it is essential for good immunity, unblock the metabolism and have more energy 

- Take care of yourself emotionally; stress will affect the health of your thyroid 

- Seek help of a professional 

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