Bouncing Back from a Hangover: IV Drip Therapy Explained

Written by Dr. Salim Olabi | Medically reviewed by Editorial Team
Last updated on: April 18, 2023

What is a hangover?

A hangover is a variety of unpleasant signs and symptoms which can develop after drinking too much alcohol. 

When does a hangover start?

Hangovers usually begin several hours after you stop drinking. The symptoms can vary in intensity, depending on the person and the type and amount of alcohol consumed.

What are the symptoms of a hangover?

Symptoms of a hangover include:

Depression, anxiety or irritability.

Disturbed sleep.

Dizziness and vertigo (a sensation of moving when you’re not).

Fatigue and weakness.

Headache, red eyes and sensitivity to light and sound.

Increased pulse and blood pressure; rapid heartbeat.

Muscle aches and weakness.

Nausea, vomiting and stomach pain.

Sweating and thirst.

Tremor (shaking).

You’re also more likely to have memory, concentration and coordination problems when you have a hangover. In general, the severity of your symptoms depends on how much you drank and for how long. However, your health and other factors also play a role. Some people get a hangover after even one drink. Other people who drink heavily don’t get symptoms.

How long does a hangover last?

Typically, your symptoms are the worst when your blood alcohol level returns to zero. Symptoms can last about a day or possibly longer.

How Does IV Hangover Drip therapy Work?

IV hangover drip therapy treats all the symptoms of a hangover, stopping many of them within just an hour. An IV hangover treatment may be the fastest way to make you feel better and get you back to your regular activities. The IV fluid hydration comes in the form of sterile saline, a safe and effective fluid used to deliver most IV medications. Saline has almost the same saltiness as blood, making it effective for rehydration. B vitamins help your body metabolize toxins, while the IV treatment speeds medications to their destination.