IV Drip Composition: What are the ingredients?

Written by Dr. Salim Olabi | Medically reviewed by Editorial Team
Last updated on: January 02, 2019

IV drip composition consists of a customized vitamin and mineral supplement administered through IV which aims to help improve immunity affected by the deficiency of vitamins and the stimulus to better health.

This IV Drip composition helps in the maintenance of hair health, good joint’s health, boosting energy, sports recovery, improved mood etc. The aim is that the results obtained with the use of the IV drip improve in an almost immediate way.

The medical experts at Health Call say that in some cases, results already begin to appear on the first day of use of the IV therapy, but that the most noticeable benefits are developed during the first week of use of the drip, on average.

Let’s get to know IV drip better and try to find out if it really works?

The IV drip composition

According to the type of benefits you want to achieve from the drip, you can get that type of drip tailored to your needs. There are different types of IV drips and packages available at Health Call. Each package has related composition of vitamins and minerals to achieve specific benefits.

How to choose the IV Drip Composition?

The experts explain that IV therapy offered by Health Call is not fully effective in the complete dealing of any condition, weight loss, for example. However, it is just an immense natural support to boost the health, in general.

There is still a chance that the person will suffer from problems again after a long time if the good level of nutrition is not maintained naturally with food.

In many health conditions, as the experts explain, the use of the IV drip Dubai will also be very worthwhile, since the body will not be able to absorb all the vitamins and minerals supplied through food and the body absorbs much more through IV.

The best way to know if IV therapy will work or not for your particular case is to consult a medical expert at Health Call before beginning to use the IV drip. The professional will evaluate your case, analyze the composition of the IV drip and thus determine if the IV Drip contains the ingredients that can help you.

Consultation with the medical expert before starting IV drip treatment is also essential to make sure it is not contraindicated to you, and cannot harm or interact with any medicine, supplement or medicinal plant you are already using.

It is also essential for the Doctor to define the dosage to be used of the IV drip to ensure that you take a dose that is not only efficient for you but mostly does not harm your health.

In excess, even vitamins and minerals, like substances found in the composition of IV drip, can do harm to the body.

Does IV Drips Contain Ingredients that can bring about side effects?

However, according to official Health Call website information, there are no side effects associated with the IV drip.

However, if you experience any type of adverse reaction during your treatment with IV therapy, seek medical advice even if the symptom in question does not appear to be serious.

As we have seen above, excess vitamins and minerals such as compounds found in the composition of IV drip Dubai can be harmful to health, so it is necessary to be alert to the appearance of different and unexpected signs and reactions in the body. However, under the correct and supervised administration from the experts at Health Call the benefits outweigh any rare negatives.

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