Glutathione Injection – A Primary Remedy against Several Health Conditions

Written by Dr. Fareeda Muhammad | Medically reviewed by Editorial Team
Last updated on: February 07, 2019

Also called “Master Antioxidant,” glutathione is a powerful substance that is produced and used by every cell in our body. This substance has a lot of healthy benefits that have been scientifically and clinically certified.

The level of glutathione can be affected during diseases; and much more frequent in chronic conditions, since the disease itself usually depletes the reserves of glutathione in our body. To get back that reserve, Glutathione injection Dubai is an easily accessible remedy offered by Health Call Dubai.

The deficit of glutathione is usually common in people who suffer from long-term diseases or those who are exposed to high levels of oxidative stress by substances harmful to health.

What is glutathione?

Basically it is a peptide that is composed of three amino acids of great importance. For that reason some specialists consider it a tripeptide.

Research on glutathione suggests that the cellular level of this substance could be used as a kind of biomarker to calculate the life expectancy of people.

It is also considered as the most important antioxidant in our body. What makes it so special is that glutathione is present in every cell of the human body. Without this substance, each of these cells could not perform their functions properly.

In addition to preventing the formation of free radicals, it is also responsible for protecting the body during periods of illness or preventing the deterioration of them due to some degenerative condition. That’s why; several people even celebrities also use Glutathione injection Dubai to slow down the formation of free radicals. It also helps slow down aging process.

Glutathione has also been described as a defensive agent against xenobiotic toxicity. In other words, it is responsible for protecting us against the effects of drugs and other harmful agents that may be found in the environment.

Thanks to its extensive range of preventive and therapeutic characteristics, it is extremely important to prevent the level of this substance from decreasing. Especially if you are suffering from any disease, since it will be responsible for exhausting the natural reserves of glutathione in our body.

Having lower levels of glutathione could make a person much more susceptible to oxidative stress, which is believed to be closely related to the formation of a large number of diseases, which include cancer, Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s. It also makes Glutathione injection Dubai, offered by Health Call in Dubai, a key preventive measure for these diseases.

What is Glutathione for?

There are a large number of studies that show the considerable role of antioxidants such as glutathione in the healthy life and in the prevention of certain conditions. This substance in its reduced form is the cells’ primary antioxidant, which also protects from free radicals (an active form of oxygen). These benefits are due in large part to glucose-6’s phosphate dehydrogenase, an enzyme of the pentose phosphate family. Moreover, a lack of this enzyme could produce effects similar to the lack of glutathione in processes of protection against free radicals. Glutathione is responsible for protecting cells from different pollutants and toxic substances, as mentioned above, especially those that come from combustion.

At Health Call, Glutathione injection Dubai is used in an IV drip to improve the effects of treatment. In addition to exclusive Glutathione injection available at Health Call, IV drips including Glutathione also offered. These treatments are not only available at clinic but also at your home, office or hotel room.

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