High Estradiol in males

Written by Dr. Jhon E Vargas | Medically reviewed by Editorial Team
Last updated on: June 06, 2023

High Estradiol in males

Estradiol is a female sex hormone, but it exists in males as well in a small amount; DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) is the precursor to estradiol. It is mainly secreted by the adrenals.

The enzyme AROMATASE converts free testosterone in the blood into estrogen in males.

Aromatase is found in the BRAIN, ADRENALS, TESTICLES and some FATTY TISSUE.

Functions of Estradiol in Men

Estradiol plays an extensive role in your overall health, even your reproductive function. In men, estradiol modulates sex drive, supports regular erectile function, and regulates healthy spermatogenesis (the production of sperm).

Outside of the reproductive system, estradiol has numerous applications and functions, including:

Maintaining bone health

Regulating the balance of lean muscle mass and fat mass

Supporting regular brain function

Metabolizing lipids (fats and fatty acids)

Supporting healthy skin

Producing nitric oxide (a molecule that has an important part in vasodilation)

Symptoms of High Estradiol Levels

Symptoms of elevated estradiol or signs of high estrogen in men can vary, but some of the main symptoms you may experience include:


Estradiol is a necessary hormone used in the production of sperm within the testes. However, excessively high estrogen levels can slow down sperm production, affect sperm quality or motility, or cease sperm production entirely.

Erectile Dysfunction

Getting and maintaining an erection requires a fragile balance of testosterone and estrogen. An elevated estrogen level can tip this balance, resulting in erectile dysfunction. This can be even more prominent if you also have reduced testosterone levels.


Gynecomastia refers to a sudden increase in the development of fat tissue in the breasts. Elevated estrogen can contribute to this growth in breast fat tissue, resulting in swollen, tender breasts.

Other Symptoms

Other general signs of high estrogen may include:

Mood swings

Reduced libido

Depression and/or anxiety

Physical fatigue

High blood pressure

Insomnia and other sleep disorders

Reductions in muscle mass

Osteoporosis (a loss of bone density)

Hot flashes

What causes high estradiol levels?


Age has an intrinsic impact on nearly all of your hormones. As men get older, their testosterone levels naturally decrease, while their estrogen levels increase.

Increased aromatase

Depending on lifestyle or underlying health factors, your body may have a higher concentration of the aromatase enzyme. Higher amounts of this enzyme mean that more of your testosterone will get converted into estrogen, which both lowers testosterone levels and increases estradiol levels.

Body composition

As mentioned, aromatase is found in numerous areas throughout the body. Some of it comes from fat cells. This means that if your body composition comprises more fat cells, you may end up with more aromatase in your system. This may result in higher levels of estradiol production.

Stress and cortisol

Cortisol is the main hormone produced in the stress response. DHEA and cortisol are also both the most common adrenal hormones. Chronic and consistent stress can lead to a constant flood of cortisol, which acts to suppress other body systems and hormones. In men, cortisol can suppress testosterone production, which can allow for increased estradiol production.

Testosterone replacement therapy

Some men experience low testosterone levels or testosterone deficiency, resulting in erectile dysfunction, a low sex drive, and other issues. Doctors can prescribe a form of hormone therapy known as testosterone replacement therapy to support healthy testosterone levels. Testosterone levels typically correlate with your estrogen levels, but a sudden increase in testosterone may contribute to an increase in aromatase.

If you do go through hormone replacement therapy, your healthcare provider will carefully measure your hormone levels throughout the hormone therapy process. You may also receive controlled levels of aromatase inhibitor to keep your aromatase production at a minimum.

How to Keep Estradiol Levels Down?

Regular exercise is one of the surest methods to rebalance your hormones and keep your estradiol in check. Exercise may help to increase testosterone levels in both the short- and long-term. Strength training and lifting weights are believed to have a more significant effect on testosterone as increased muscle mass results in increased testosterone production, but all forms of exercise count.

Maintaining a regular workout routine can also help to reduce fat cells. This can reduce the amount of aromatase enzyme, which may then help to reduce the amount of testosterone that gets converted into the estrogen hormone.

Exercise is also a good way to manage stress and reduce cortisol levels. Along with or aside from exercise, consider other constructive methods of coping with your stress. This may include meditation, yoga, breathing exercises, having sex, or simply spending more time with friends.

Lifestyle changes alone may not be enough to manage high levels of estradiol. If hormonal issues continue to be a problem, consult your doctor to determine if there is an underlying health issue contributing to your hormonal imbalances.

Minerals, such as Zinc, inhibit aromatase, leading to higher levels of testosterone.

Taurine, a sulfonic amino acid, is also believed to increase testosterone levels.

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