Intravenous Vitamin C Therapy for Wellness and Health

Written by Dr. Salim Olabi | Medically reviewed by Editorial Team
Last updated on: June 05, 2019

Vitamin C is necessary for normal growth and development. Our body cannot produce this vitamin or store it, so it is necessary to consume it in food or supplements. Additionally, when placed in large doses intravenously, it produces even more outstanding benefits in our body. Highly proven and multiple studies show the benefits of vitamin C IV drip Dubai, a therapy not as we commonly know it in the form of tablets, but an intravenous therapy, that is, high concentrations of vitamin C applied directly to the vein. Let’s see some of the most important advantages of administering it in this way. Improves the quality of the skin It increases body energy, protects against the aging of our cells, improves joint problems by maintaining and repairing bones, cartilage and teeth, helps to lower sugar levels, repairs damaged blood vessels, decreases the cholesterol, regulates high blood pressure, is a co-adjuvant in cataract problems because it improves blood circulation in the body and in the eyes, among many other benefits. Aesthetic benefits Apart from the uses in the metabolism of our body, vitamin C is widely used in the aesthetic area and anti-aging medicine; due to its powerful action as an antioxidant, it promotes the formation of collagen, helping to improve the luminosity, tone and texture of the skin. Increases the immune response Vitamin C favors the production of leukocytes, also known as white blood cells. These are the cells of the immune system responsible for the immune response, that is, they intervene in the defense of the organism against any invading agent, such as viruses, fungi or bacteria. An effective anticancer treatment It has been shown that its use in high doses improves the quality of life of patients with cancer, strengthening their immune system, enhancing the treatment they receive against cancer and helping to control tumor growth, through the production of hydrogen peroxide in toxic levels for cancer cells but not for the body. No adverse effects Being a water-soluble type vitamin, it is not stored in the body without producing any type of toxicity. Fast application The placement of vitamin C does not need hospitalization, it is done in a short time, between 60 and 90 minutes, without any pain or discomfort for the person. Economically accessible The cost of Vitamin C IV drip Dubai represents a minimum investment for the patient compared to other treatments and with very effective results. The high dose of vitamin C High doses of vitamin C have been researched as a healthy treatment for any cancer patient since the 1970s. Prospective studies indicate that high doses of vitamin C, improves vasodilation with decreased risk of cardiovascular disease, including coronary heart disease, cardiovascular accidents and high blood pressure. In laboratory studies it was observed that high doses of vitamin C can decrease the spread and growth of cancer cells, interrupting the growth of the tumor (tumors of the prostate, pancreas, liver and colon, as well as other types of cancer). How is the therapy administered? High doses of vitamin C are administered by IV drip Dubai, thus achieving much higher concentrations in the blood. Complications The high intravenous doses of vitamin C are not toxic and in the experience of more than 20 years there have been no secondary reactions. A total of 3 or 10 treatments are recommended once or twice a week, depending on the type of treatment. Health Call is a clinic offering IV drip Dubai treatment, which specializes in several types of IV drips that are widely successful all over Dubai.

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