Cell deterioration and aging are changes that can be slowed or delayed as much as possible. The powerful antioxidants are highly effective, prevents oxidative damage and cellular stress.
Each cell in our body performs different functions, so that they function properly, do not get sick or age in an accelerated way, they need antioxidants. Otherwise, the cells become oxidized, inflamed and deteriorate faster, which can trigger a series of chronic and degenerative diseases.
The cell deterioration and aging are changes that can be slowed or delayed as much as possible. The vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, not synthesized in the body, therefore should be administered through diet or IV therapy Dubai offered by Health Call in Dubai.
The powerful antioxidants included in IV therapy are highly effective, protect cells and their components from oxidative damage and cellular stress, dampens the effect of free radicals, toxins and pollutants. The IV drip of Vitamin C prevents the cell from deteriorating quickly and promotes the production of better quality energy
Benefits of intravenous vitamin C IV therapy Dubai:
Increases the flexibility, tone and resistance of the tissues
At the skin level, collagen is the most abundant component (30%), it provides elasticity and firmness, if the collagen fibers become disorganized and lose integrity, wrinkles or expression lines are formed. At the level of blood vessels, collagen protects the endothelium, which is the tissue that makes up the arteries and veins, prevents the formation of fissures and fat plates, which ultimately are the cause of heart attacks and ischemia.
Diminishes the side effects of chemotherapy
It prevents the development and progression of tumors. It improves the quality of life of the oncological patient, activates detoxification centers, accelerates the elimination of heavy metals, improves the quality of oxygenation of the patient, and reduces the inflammatory response and pain in general.
Synthesis of the neurotransmitter norepinephrine
It is essential for brain function and regulation of mood.
Metabolize fats better
It facilitates the synthesis of carnitine, which transports them into the cells to convert fat into energy.
Inhibits the inflammatory response of the cell
It prevents cellular oxidative damage, therefore inhibits deterioration, stress and cell aging.
Strengthens the immune system
It stimulates the production and function of leukocytes or white blood cells. It improves the defense capacity against viruses and bacteria.
It protects against allergies, respiratory diseases, cardiovascular, metabolic and degenerative diseases. It provides more energy and vitality.
The IV Vitamin C drip is a very effective alternative as it is administered intravenously, it is applied diluted and slowly. In about 1 hour, the patient is awake, without discomfort, and can continue with their normal daily activities after the IV drip application.
It is a much higher concentration of vitamin C injected straight into the bloodstream, up to 25 times higher than tablets taken orally, benefits most organs and body systems. It also allows all cells to capture this nutrient. The number of doses to be taken depends on the lifestyle, the environment in which each patient is located.
The IV therapy Dubai with high dose of Vitamin C offered at Health Call in Dubai reduces free radicals and significantly favors the immunity or defense capacity of the body, preventing accelerated aging. It is safe and effective.
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