IV Therapy: The Miraculous Serum of Vitamins

Written by Dr. Salim Olabi | Medically reviewed by Editorial Team
Last updated on: February 28, 2019

Intravenous IV vitamin drip Dubai or Vitamin Serum (IV Therapy) consists of injecting high doses of a quantity of vitamins and minerals into a vein, quickly in a period of 10 – 15 minutes or more usually in a period of 45min to 1 hour.This therapy is used to improve health and increase the body’s immunity and healing process. Since the mixture of vitamins and nutrients is supplied directly into the bloodstream, it does not pass through the digestive system; therefore it works directly at the cellular level.

The normal ingredients used are: Complex of Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Magnesium, Selenium, Glutathione, Zinc, Manganese and Molybdenum. Sometimes homeopathic complexes and antioxidant amino acids are added for greater effectiveness, among others.

In Health Call, we offer several vitamin drip options in Dubai available depending on the needs of the patient. Among the most popular are :

Mega drip (Mega dose of vitamin C, B complex including B1, B6, B12)

This infusion uses high doses of vitamins to stimulate the immune system, cleanse the body from free radicals and fight viral diseases plus providing the body with a powerful combination of high doses of antioxidants.

Express drip – Luminous skin (Glutathione, B-complex, Vitamin C, amino acids)

Glutathione is one of nature’s most powerful antioxidants, reversing the damage caused by oxidative stress that builds up in the body as a result of the aging process and environmental pollution.

For its part, the benefits of intravenous vitamin C are manifold and range from reducing fatigue, increasing the immune system, accelerating the healing process, increasing energy levels and supporting the body in the process of eliminating toxins.

Original drip

Using the power of antioxidants, including glutathione, well-known as the master antioxidant, this vitamin drip in Dubai can help you in the fight against free radicals that cause several of the signs of aging.

Other key elements in this cocktail include vitamin C and the B-Complex vitamins necessary for the production of collagen, which gives the skin its support and elasticity and heals our muscles if they are damaged or used excessively.

Ultimate drip (Vitamin C, E, B complex, amino acids, Glutathione)

Whether you’re recovering your balance, preparing for an upcoming event or simply fighting the aggravations of everyday life, this energy cocktail provides valuable vitamins that produce energy.

B vitamins are essential for the body’s ability to convert the energy of nutrients and also help the body in the effective use of energy.

Vitamin C helps improve the immune system’s function in addition to the formation of collagen that gives the skin its support and flexibility. It supports the metabolism of energy performance, protects cells from oxidative stress and reduces fatigue and fatigue.

Custom tailored drip (Vitamin B complex, Vitamin C, mixture of amino acids)

This vitamin drip in Dubai is an enhancer of physical, mental and sexual energy. You can get other special ingredients in this IV drip according to your needs or according to type of IV drip you want.

It improves your immune system and gives your body a sample of what it needs to repair and regenerate cells. This cocktail will increase the production of collagen, strengthen the tendons and ligaments and boost the immune system against chronic diseases and depletion of the immune system.

We have highly trained medical staff to meet your needs and apply the appropriate treatment for you. Call us today for any inquiries or to schedule your appointment.

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