Why Do You Need a Doctor on Call ?

Written by Dr. Salim Olabi | Medically reviewed by Editorial Team
Last updated on: January 08, 2022

In this day and age of fast-paced life, no one wants to get sick in the middle, especially when it comes to frequent visits to the hospital. Hence, you often feel helpless and want to get better quickly. A lot of residents in Dubai go through this stress. So, it is very vital to look for a doctor on call facilities so you can get the treatment in the comfort of your home.

What You Can Expect with Doctors on Call Services?

The home healthcare providers are specialized in various services, such as primary care. Some of these services are treatment, diagnosis, and caring for individuals with various health issues. Some of the primary healthcare providers are here to manage and monitor pre-existing and current conditions.

This way, a doctor on call Dubai can help maintain good health and prevent diseases. These physicians are well versed in providing those services. They have the expertise to provide routine check-ups to keep track of your health and ensure you are doing well in treatment.

These specialists offer speech and physical therapies to benefit the people of all age groups, especially the seniors who cannot travel to and from hospitals and those who need special care.

Why Rely on Doctors on Call Dubai?

There are different benefits of hiring doctors on call for residents of Dubai. Here are some of the reasons why you should rely on at-home healthcare services –

Personalized Patient Care

Doctors on-call are specialized to treat patients with their personal approach and they are not in a hurry. You don’t have to wait for their appointments and wait to see the doctor. Whenever a doctor visits your home, he can easily start a complete examination, address your concerns and probe extensively. They can easily focus on your case without any distractions. You are the only patient to your doctor. So, they can provide personal attention to you.

Round-the-clock availability

We often worry a lot, especially when our child or loved one is sick at home and we are away from them. This way, doctors of the call can come handy to ease the burden. They can be available round the clock when you are not around the home to care for them. Sometimes, you may not be able to go anywhere when you are sick. This way, doctors on-call can help you when you can’t reach the hospital. You just have to call and request for services from a professional. It can really come handy with portable medical tools to get the same services.


Many people believe that doctors charge extra for home visits Doctor Dubai. But the doctor-on-call services are less expensive than getting hospitalized. These specialists provide the best services to the people who get discharged from the hospital but need specialized care. This way, you can easily save on consultation fees and get the services you want in the hospital.

Family Support

Family visits are limited in hospitals. But you can always be with your loved ones with a doctor on call services. Friends and families can also visit anytime and there is no need to stay in an unknown room in a hospital wing. You can always be around with loved ones. It assures you with a positive response and faster recovery with medication and treatment.

High chances of recovery

You are also less likely to re-admit in the hospital by investing in in-home healthcare. The chances of recovery are also improved. So, you are less likely to be hospitalized again. There are lower infection risks, especially because of inactivity for a long time. Our body can slow down the period of recovery due to bed rest. This way, at-home healthcare services are provided in a comfortable environment for a speedy recovery. You can make food for yourself unlike in the hospitals. You can also sleep easily in your own room.

Medications are managed easily

Family members may not have the experience to provide medical care and medications can be missed easily. This way, home healthcare experts can relieve families of the burden to manage drugs by providing the right medication to patients at the right time and with the right dosage. This way, it helps avoid harmful reactions.

Less risk of infections

Investing in doctors on call is a safe bet for elderly patients as their immunity is usually weak. Germs are everywhere, especially in doctors’ offices and hospitals. Even though nurses and doctors maintain precautions on their side, like washing hands when attending to patients, all medical personnel don’t do this. Patients are also likely to touch things like toys, magazines, and other items at the doctor’s office. Anything can carry germs in hospitals. This way, home healthcare is a lot safer, especially when a patient’s immune system is weak and is highly prone to infections.

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