Types of Intravenous Nutrition and What They are for?

Written by Dr. Salim Olabi | Medically reviewed by Editorial Team
Last updated on: April 23, 2019

Through Vitamin or IV therapy some essential vitamins and minerals are administrated directly in the blood veins. It may be medically recommended for the intravenously administration of various nutrients to treat particular health conditions and undernourishment along with a big health treatment to relieve a patient medically. Some medial processionals of alternative and complementary medicines also recommend IV therapy in Dubai for treatment of a range of diseases.

Effectively, nutritionally sufficient vitamin dose or administration is very much important to enjoy favorable benefits and to avoid any side effects. A lot of people prefer administration of vitamins and minerals via their food, even though oral supplements may be suggested to treat some type of deficiency or to solve some temporary health problems. Expectant women, for instance, may choose to get folic acid in high dose to support fetal health.

Types of IV therapy’s nutrition

There are several characteristics and benefits of intravenous nutritional therapy. Now we will see some of the most frequent types and their applications.

There are many substances that can be used in nutrition of IV therapy in Dubai offered at Health Call in Dubai and therefore the possible combinations or formulas can be very varied.

Some of the substances or formulas most used are:
  • Detoxifying: Taking into account the extremely toxic environment in which we live in today, it is not surprising that this is one of the most popular formulas and used in IV therapy in Dubai. You can use various substances such as alpha-lipoic acid and / or glutathione which are two of the most powerful antioxidants that the body has.
  • Immune: Another very popular formula, which seeks to strengthen the immune system. It could be used in people who get sick too much, such as prevention in high season of colds, even in people with autoimmune diseases. It usually uses substances such as vitamin C in high doses and some minerals important for the immune system.
  • Magnesium: Magnesium is one of the most important minerals for the body and is one of the most common deficiencies. This mineral can be used to treat deficiencies of it or to treat migraines.
  • Multi: Various combinations of vitamins and minerals can be administered to create several formulas that seek to supplement different deficiencies.
  • Cancer: There is a lot of research on the use of vitamin C at high doses for the treatment of several types of cancer.
  • Chelation: Various substances have been used for the purpose of chelating heavy metals from the body, i.e. extracting them from the body’s circulation. Heavy metal poisoning can be a serious health problem.
  • Sports: Used to increase athletic performance, uses substances such as L-carnitine and L-glutamine to improve physical performance and accelerate the recovery speed of athletes.
  • Moisturizers: Sometimes people simply need to improve their hydration status. The intravenous route can be very useful in these cases.

These are just some examples of the types of IV therapy in Dubai that can be used. As you can see, the combinations can be almost endless depending on the available materials and the objective of the therapy. When creating any IV therapy in Dubai formula at Health Call, the concentration of the formula is taken into account to avoid complications. When prepared and administered by our medical professionals with the necessary knowledge and experience, intravenous nutritional therapy is very safe and useful.

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